If you use a database-driven script application for your website, all of the content that you or the site users add, will be stored in cells and tables inside a database, not as simple text in the app files. In comparison, HTML websites are static and all the content on such a site is a part of the actual HTML files. An online store application, for example, pulls all of the prices, items, user reviews, and many others, from its database and this is valid for any other script which allows you to build a dynamic website. The more the information you put, the larger the database becomes, so if you use a script-driven site, you need to make sure that your web hosting plan comes with sufficient database storage space. The aforementioned applies no matter what kind of databases you will use - for example MySQL or PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Web Hosting

When you choose our cloud web hosting services, you will be able to expand the content and the user base of your PostgreSQL-driven sites as much as you would like because some of our packages provide unrestricted database storage. Even if you start with a lower-end plan, you can always update either the database space feature or the whole plan, in order to have sufficient system resources for your websites. We use a custom cloud platform and we have a whole cluster for the database storage. Since no other processes run on these servers, the general performance is better and we will put additional servers or harddisks when they're needed. No matter how many elements you add to your online shop or how many comments people leave on your community forum, you won't ever encounter any problems due to deficiency of database storage.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you order one of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, you will be able to manage PostgreSQL websites without having to worry that you'll reach any limit for the size of your databases, because there isn't such a restriction. With our cloud hosting platform, a dedicated group of servers takes care of your databases, which means that when additional processing power or database storage space is needed at any time, we just connect extra servers or hard disk drives. In contrast to various other providers, we do not manage everything on a single server. All our plans are powerful and make it possible for you to run heavy, multi-media websites, so we have made sure that the PostgreSQL database storage feature matches the rest of the features. The Hepsia web hosting Control Panel which is provided with the semi-dedicated accounts allows you to check out the size of each and every PostgreSQL database that you have as well as the overall size of all the databases, but these numbers are available exclusively for your own information.