The WHOIS info of a domain name is a collection of various details that are freely accessed using special lookup websites or a command line. The protocol that makes this possible bears the same name and you may effortlessly see the firm through which an Internet domain has been registered, the creation, expiration and last update dates as well as the names, postal and email address of the individuals listed as Registrant (owner), Administrative, Technical and Billing contacts for a specific domain. This information ought to be correct and up-to-date constantly; otherwise the domain address registration can be challenged. The latter is a policy of ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), this means you must always make sure that the WHOIS details of your domains are accurate. Updating the WHOIS for numerous country-code TLDs is limited, so any time you register a brand new domain address, make sure you double-check the info that you're submitting.

Full WHOIS Management in Cloud Web Hosting

Through a cloud web hosting package from our company, you'll be able to manage the WHOIS info of all domains registered here using the same Hepsia Control Panel in which you will manage your hosting space. The domains shall be conveniently listed in alphabetical order and you'll be able to see the WHOIS info for any of them with just a single click. You'll be able to modify any part of the Registrant, Administrative, Technical and Billing contacts as much as the respective Registries permit it. We're going to help you with the country-code extensions which allow changes. The automatic updates can be made through the Control Panel. The generic extensions may be modified whenever you want and as frequently as you need. Hepsia will even allow you to modify a number of Internet domain names simultaneously, which will save you time and efforts.

Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Managing the WHOIS information of any domain address you register or transfer to our company will be easy in case you have a semi-dedicated server. Both the domains along with the hosting space for them are handled together via our Hepsia Control Panel, so you will not have to move between different systems. You can check the current details for any domain name with 1 click and changing something takes only two more clicks. Using Hepsia you could also select several domains and update their WHOIS details all at once, so if you have many domain names, you won't have to click and type endlessly - the update for twenty domains takes as little time and effort as the update of one. If you have a domain whose info can't be updated automatically but the TLD supports such a change, we're going to assist you with the task until the updated details appears on public WHOIS lookup websites.